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Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Beta/Cucks/Incels
Who are the most pathetic men in Ironton that can't satisfy their wives? I am looking for some women that want a real good time and aren't getting it at home.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Hookers
Janet long Wagner

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Hookers
Step and a half!

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Hookers
Jessica stapleton

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Hookers
Jessica stapleton always selling pussy

Lawrence County Topix/Craigslist replacement » Brittany
I've heard she is easy and has slept around alot, should I take her up on a fun time. Can any tell me if she is any good?

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Corruption
The corruption is so bad in Carter county Court I was to throw all my stuff and sale it. Iim basically on strivation because I don't want to grocery. I work every day but I can't get no one to take me. It the way act if I want groceries. I can't plead for grocery. He has forced to me to homeless for three and half years. Now I'm strivation because I get no way to get groceries. Judge wilhoit needs little bit embarrassing come his way. No need to come his rescue.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Corruption
My mother got the blame for me telling the lies on our cousin. But she got absolutely so made the roff went off the trailer. It upsets her so badly that she had have pace maker put in. There was no time to wait for ambulance cause her heart beat went down to 27 beats a minute. Her heart was stoping. Does the court system want people to get so upset that they have heart attack. We need to talk about the mean things our cousin did to us instead of the Carter county Court allowed to him lie. The judge is allowing his pets to lie so people not accumulated in to society or can't sustain a better life. It was proven the scam that pathways and the Carter county Court has to get their money and property for Eastern State. When wil wilhoit threatened to make a ward of state over telling bizzar tells. My brother told us that he heard that Carter county Court and pathways had illegal scam to get property and money. He was told by several people at Smithfield in Grayson Kentucky. I feel that didn't deliver the title to force the sale of the double trailer. It took 15 years to get the title. It should never took this long to no title for a double wide. They did force the sale of the home when I threatened to a ward of the state. People need to settle judge wilhoit tell no like a load gun pointed to their head. No one needed to come rescue. Help me spread how the court let him lie.. family were allowed to make false statements about my mental condition. People need to call judge wilhoit tell him that he need to fix our cousin. My brother told us that we get the worst end of the case all corruption in the court. He will not charges them with perjury cause he has to quote for Eastern State.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Corruption
It was corrupt that we had to put with screaming in our that were going to kill us. They would licence off the cars hoping we get pulled over. The judge allowed them to actually put shine red light from a gun in house. We felt like he didn't didn't how the people treated us as long as made a quote for Eastern State. Pathways instead of helping they helped me on the street. I plead with them about a job. They told people they didn't care what happened to me the trouble I caused in Grayson. They made out to the trouble in the town because they didn't turn stuff into police. They nearly got me killed by someone pointed a gun my house. Pathways, Carter county Court and family are ruin people name character their background to make quote for Eastern State.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Corruption
It was proven in court my cousin was liable or do anything to person. He will lie about it in court or twist the story around to avoid being punished. It was proven in the Carter county Court that judge wilhoit is liable let to his pets lie about anything or do anything to a person. He lets me them by in court. When he I believe you it proved that I he liable to people lue anything in court. People need to call him tell the absolute what she wants in life and all her privileges back. People wants to hear all mean stuff her cousin pulled on them and truth how he acted. I feel that people need to ask judge wilhoit to resign from public office letting someone lie about threatening kill them. They need to his parents not ever anyone that your son not going to the blunt. People in Grayson Kentucky needs to walk on the side of the street and never speak to him. It over the way you treated your family.her grandmother told everyone that was liable to say anything she giving her grandson mental condition. They told everyone that she told things people didn't like. it was grandson mental condition. People in Grayson Kentucky needs to his parents that know why they told all the lies so no one would ever like her. They would hate her when they turn against him

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Corruption
Judge wilhoit name needs to that he liar and theif. He is liar and thief to your property and money for Eastern State. They will tell if not you obtain a life not have allow. That means if he don't you have job he doesn't have allow it. If he only wants bear essentially for he so corrupt that all he allow. People need to stand up to the judge tell him the only person needs to put away is her cousin. Her cousin needs to throw down. People need to stand up to judge tell the girl get special treatment and what she wants in life. She all her privileges and the conviction overturn cause the judge let him lie. The are to to judge everyone is turn against the girl cousin cause the ge treated them. Their cousin word is to never to stand in court. It has been handed down by Everyone that he done in life.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Corruption

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Corruption
People need to help settle judge wilhoit, David flatt, Bob Miller, will wilhoit, Jeffery Scott, Melinda Haney, Mike fox, Kevin mc David, and Jeff may down. . they need the them no one lie about someone trying to kill but the person who was accused would lie about being accused of threaten to keep our trouble. It was planned things around to makesure I had absolutely nothing in life. Never allowed to sustain a quality of life. My dad me that had gotten together to see I never got had anything in life. I had to best I could to survive in life. People need to judge wilhoit that planed doing people in from obtain a better life is over. None of the pets are allowed to lie about point a gun their head. People are tried the court system letting some lue to put people away. People are tried their being nepotism in the court. Judge wilhoit lack any type of conscience in the court. He live to let pets and see another how made another person misberbal in life. He wants some people eat bread crumbs while pets lie about eat steak. The pet doesn't get no bad remarks about their name. My brother took ultimate punishment he got death. People need to ask the two at kdmc would like a load gun pointed to head and people tell you how that you are. The reason ms. Hillman was biased with opinion is husband worked at Armco with my uncle. She lacked any common sense that wouldn't lie about someone threatening kill them. The girl family has been able sort of lies about the girl mental condition just make quote for Eastern State. No judge need to come to rescue about threatened to shoot someone in head. People need to make sure that all the Carter co. Lawyer and court official go down in disgrace. People are to are to help the official and tell them are not put up with them lue to put me away or continue to pick and threatened to me away. The official in Carter co. Needs to stand up to her cousin we all know how you lied to to get away. Everything that you gave discussed about her bunch lies. His mother needs to stop noise in business and find out what their son is doing or has done to pick on people and destroy their life. My cousin got have marvelous life at our expense. People need to the judge tell him that let this girl have all privileges back. He lied so I could never get my life straight up.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Corruption
It was so bad that her brother was told the only way that him and mother were ever going to anything in life was to the girl on the street. Judge wilhoit needs to away for allowing. They are letting people lie their mental condition and pick to them away. Everyone needs to about her cousin acts. Her brother death and he never got the family home fixed up. His last word to sister was pleading are you to able to keep the home. But judge wilhoit wanted to hurt the girls family even in death. He needs to honest tell her family that can't make about mental condition just so she can't sustain quality of life.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Corruption
The Carter county Court knows better than let people lie to hinder punishment. They know better than let one lie to a person away. Pathways is involved the scam to make quote for Eastern State. Two nurse in behavioral at kdmc by the name 📛 f ms. Napier and ms. Hillman. They' need to be told her cousin watched 24hours at Eastern so he acted this way to pick to people away. There was a my ng in cEter can. Please call judge wilhoit tell him that her conviction and all privileges since his lied to me take it away

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Corruption
Please call Bob Miller at 6064747827 please ask him would he like someone putting a load to their son or daughter head. He was co attorney one time when a warrant to hider punishment of cousin. Please call Mike fox at at 6062865351 would he like a load gun pointed their head denied any legal advice. They are to plead guilty or institution. Please call Jeffrey Scott he help take and even to court the got and the e p o dismissed. He didn't have no common sense no one like a load gun pointed to their a girl repeatedly called a liar. After 15 the judge wilhoit said I believe you you no need to help but ignore trying to get out of trouble. People are tried of pets getting by with treatment and getting go with his life. Please call 6064749451. Ask him would he like stand in court that had lied and the court has repeatedly tried to them away. They took all privalges away from every sustain a better life. People needed to all the lawyer that he don't make good decisions and he to dragged in the court room and made to admit and the was told we make admit. They allow pets to to point load gun to people head. People needs to call judge wilhoit and every lawyer in Grayson KY tell them to back girl she have all privileges and sustain a better life. He wanted to kill by he wanted to more by killing by due process of law knocking me me every thing. People needs to stand up judge wilhoit tell him you don't knock people out of life of life cause pets can't take blunt people demand all my privileges back.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Corruption
There slogan in Carter county we don't want her to have something we don't have to allow her every obtain. Re people need to ask him to resign from public office so don't have to put let people spread a bunch lies on them. Please call tell him tell we know how you letting people lie.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Corruption
Please can 6064745081or 606474551 please tell the judge that people are trying of him letting people another people not to take the blunt. No one ask no one to point load gun to their head. People not like the judge giving them a that tell bizzar or hurts people feeling. He letting pets lie and get marvelous life and the people the pets are treating like dog get a great life. People needs to to stand no judge is let people lie to another people to avoid punishment. The judge needs all mean stuff our cousin pulled on us cause I believe that what fuss about in court. Please ask the judge to public apology to this poor woman. If see walking trying to get home. Please make remarks that girl Carter county took everything away. This has to stop. They are using mental health as scam to legal bankruptcy people. Please call pathways in Grayson Kentucky and tell them people would like them to turn it police how people has threatened kill them. They are told not push some people. They made excuse not to turn to make excuses not help this poor woman. They need to tell theapist no employees is allowed to threaten a client about dating. Tell them it has they allowed to date if fuss they will call sheriff put Eastern state. 6034745151. People needs to call vic. Reh in Ashland KY tell them no one is discuss no client case like a worker did with grandmother. She allowed to to them lies about with no prior medical knowledge. This violated my HIPPA rights. My grandmother laught how she knock out stuff. No one should have someone so low to luad to their or Eastern State to hide their actions. It has to stop. The corruption cause the death of two people. It has to stop.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Corruption
Please can the co attorney and Carter county Court district judge see about allow the girl have better life 6064745081. The judge office at 6064745511. The Carter need to ask the Carter county allow this poor woman a better life since was allowed to lue about threatened to kill. People get behind this to fight for to stay out the institution. People needs to stand up tell the the only person who needs to put away is her cousin. People are to talk about how the court let him lie. They were assured that wouldn't allow to drive. Ask them if she can marry and drive. He allows family decide people destiny in life. They are spread the mental conditions with medical knowledge. They need to him before he decides to put her away. He needs to him a few questions how he acted. People needs to the former Federal judge's son a lesson no one like a gun to point their head and they told it how their nervous.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Corruption
Please Mr. Wil wilhoit law office and please ask him if woman can have better life. The court allow her cousin lie in court it not fair that court continue to call when judge said I believe you. 6062861784

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Corruption
He is allowing people to lie to control their destiny. He allowing his pets to people mental retard. If they tell on pets for a crime the victim is to say lie. The court is making them proverty all their life. They are denied any legal rights. They make plead guilty bso keep back to pick at them. They are told to sale land or go to group. The laugh how he destroyed people life. Pathways is giving people a mental condition make sure word will not hold up court. They are to a quote for Eastern State. They bare letting family bput lies on to negative effect bon their evaluation. When pathways is told it wrong diagnosis. they will not correct the condition.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Corruption
Judge wilhoit is allowing pets carry on wild and treat them dogs. This way make them mental incompetent to get their property and hide how pets acts. He is letting say they are lying to their property.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Corruption
Judge wilhoit allowed me public apologize for call liar and it conviction over turn. He letting pets lie to make quote for Eastern State. His brother is not checking court documents and he threatened people make them a ward if they not comply with sale of their home. I feel like that is why I made to quilt. Judge wilhoit will not let drive with no tickets. My uncle laught how my driver license could be taken away. They were assured that my drive would taken. They have taken my privalges away. I'm not allowed to date marry drive own car a house or attend college. My brother said he heard that Carter county had scam to to steal our property and money for Eastern State. It was proven when his threatened me about the sale of the sale of home. He is allowing all kinds of false statements about me I don't know to the truth the truth is not in me liable to say anything. A tendency to lie when I got mad at someone plum crazy. He making me live in complete proverty to make a quote for Eastern State. He don't want to date so i will soul mate fight for me out Eastern state. Judge wilhoit was corrupt he signed a false statements that was terroristically threaten my cousin cause I complained how he acted. I feel that judge wilhoit is low that he twisted allegations to build a case for Eastern State. People needs to behind me fight for me call 16064745081 tell Carter county co. Attorney that were tried of the court this lady cousin lie about his actions. People are tried of the court system denying this lady of her freedom. This corruption to make quote has to stop for Eastern state. A pres. Can't even lie about they act. They needed to judge wilhoit that people are tried of letting people lie to steal their property and making them homeless. People of Grayson Kentucky wanted me out of the town because y known as such liar. They need to talk about judge wilhoit let lie to people. They need to him the only need to put at Eastern State is her cousin. He gets people out tries to starts horrible lies on them so upset. So he can talk about they act or laugh how how they ended up hospital. My brother worked at Smithfield and the men told him the corruption to get insurance money for Eastern State. They need to call judge wilhoit tell him that you need to listen how her cousin acted. The judge needs to his job and settle him down. There is two nurse at kdmc behavioral unit who puts lues on people medical records to a quote for Eastern State. People needs to address all the horrible lies, stunt and threatened us with guns before judge wilhoit even think about putting me away. Please ask him this poor old woman can drive so she can get better life. His excuse is if I don't want her to better life I not ever allow it. He is making walk at 53 year old. They need to him that girl not if her brother brain cancer wasn't caused by her cousin stupid actions. The judge not care as long makes a quote for Eastern State. There bis money behind everyone they get at Eastern State. People needs to the former Boyd co. Judge Davis that her mother didn't like her cousin putting load gun to adult children. The roof went off trailer when we told our mother. No one can come to cousin rescue when judge wilhoit said I believe you. 3 words in court and I cleared I don't reputation of telling bizzar tells people. Should anyone have to this kind of abuse and be at Eastern State. Judge wilhoit is running the court communist party to put away. He wanted to me away everybody needs to settle the judge down and tell her cousin needs to away. People in the tri state area are fight for the woman to never go to Eastern State cause the her cousin has gotten by with threatened kill the. He knew that the truth got on the street how he acted he would completely ruined in society.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Corruption
There is so much corruption the judge is allowing people to lie in court. The court system treated us like a dog. I was told by the the public defender I no legal advice. I was told it had been handed down legal advice to lawyer,. My public defender told me i

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Corruption
There is so much corruption the former judge woods pulled a load gun on my family. The court system never did apologize to us. I thought about getting back warrant on him. The clerk's had it planned to me in they told me no special treatment. The people in the Carter county had planned to me cause they laughed how they were going to fix one girl. My cousin daughter laught how they fixed me from obtain a better life. I feel that the stste of ky had me picked on at school cause they didn't want to obtain a better life. I was told my Carter county Court that it was handed down i got no legal advice. The public defender told i can't hear one to hear what have to say in the case. We treated like a dog by the court system. They couldn't make admit to how he acted. They couldn't have their pet own to how he acted. We were complaining about how he our stupid cousin was pointing guns to our heads.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Ming Moon/food is horrible
Go to the bigger cities and see what you are missing. The food is slop at this place and not seasoned well at all.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Righteous House
When you go to kdmc behavior unit stay away from Ms Napier. The lady over unit she put false statements to false imprisonment people at Eastern State. She gossip about everyone and she everyone Condition in public. She ruin people background and their name. She does to quote for Eastern State. She worked at pathways in Grayson Kentucky and no one liked her. Ms. Napier would not like if someone pointed a gun to her twice and called you liar. When you tell the therapist that makes lies to why do didn't tell the police. They allow their family to discuss conditions and put false statements is n their records. My brother died of brain cancer but I Know where our put to her s head didn't cause the.cancer. Ms Hillman puts false statements is n record to false imprisonment people. They are involved in scam to steal their property and money for a group home. They even give mental illness. I have thought about having them court for making false statements. They put false statements on record so knock out life. Ms. Napier ask she was testimony in court. Her word is not credibility when knowingly. Lied in this case. They need to not discuss people in public

Chesapeake Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Union Township Trustee Election
They are letting people lie to to steal their property and money for Eastern State If there was some sort of corruption why did the judge say I believe you on July 3rd 2019. He let him lie to steal my family estate for a group home. Judge Philip said the state teach how to lie to get a convicted. I was told by my public defender we can't make to how acted. our cousin was telling such horrible lies I end up hospital at 5 times over his diet black. Our cousin would get out treated like a dog say don't worry it will not hold up. He had instructions how to treated like a dog to put us away. The court system tell them are not allowed to date so are groomed for Eastern State. everyone town laughs about plot to some away. He is getting by with lying cause the court system knows his brain wired wrong and he not any better. They have said when tell the wild allegations it just to be big. They will not a stop cause he created financial security for the state. There is a lot of money involved in preparation for Eastern State. The court is landing down no legal advice so can't fight for the the truth. They are told it has been no legal advice to attorney which ethnic problem. The judge is doing this so victim take the blunt and he ruins their name chacter background and destroy their life. He sure they can stand a normal a life. People need to stand up when they go against are going to lie to steal my assets for Eastern State. You go to pathways they are not turning to make quote for Eastern State. The nerve plum crazy not how the truth when she starts bunch dam lies it lies to put away. And the Carter Co is allowing this problem people are not allowed to talk about judge wilhoit pets act or tries to put them I was I didn't make good decisions because I told how he acted. See how let people lie to steal off them. He doing this to make quote for Eastern State. If you not want a load point to head directly and called a liar. Call the co attorney office in Grayson Kentucky tell him that you not to treat like this. Call him 606 474 5081 or judge wilhoit at 606 474 5511 them him not right to knock people out the to ight a life

Chesapeake Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Union Township Trustee Election
Carter co court in Grayson is letting people lie to send to Eastern state. They are letting pets threatened to kill people and they are calling liar to put them away. The people's in the town get together to run people out of the town. The court is complete corrupt. There policy not hold for there pets. There pets lie to put away. They some if they find out you lied what they do they not. People are told we can't make admit to how he acted. The court

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: CAROL "Janie" Ainsworth Lambert
People in the tri-state area we need to spread it around that when you go up against judge Rupert Wilson in Grayson Kentucky he is aiding in a bedding in perjury to put people away to get everything they got for a group home or Eastern State he let my cousin lie in the Carter county Court about threatened to shoot us in the head and he would he even admitted he said I believe you on July 3rd but will not bring no charges on I was told it was handed down that I got no legal boss I was told this and they could not make him in it to how he acted which is an ethic violation they hinder prosecution to get people's property for land and everything for Eastern State they they tell me if we find out you got in any way what will do to you he AIDS in beds in perjury to steal your home property and money and get it for Eastern State is wrong when a judge says I believe on July 3rd 2019 he lied to steal my property steal my home and it back fart in his face because he got made erect another spread it to everybody when you go up perform he's letting people lie to steal your property he's even allowing people to be set up in any way tampering with evidence both of them are doing it even f*** Phillips is doing it they're doing this to get their homes and their property for Eastern State so when you go up against tomorrow even on the speed ticket he's letting people lie to get their property and steal it and he's making you sell it even though you might be able to pay for it because he's making a quota they got a scheme going on to get your property and money the state is behind it and judge pick you Phillip said for letting people lie even that judge and the county attorney in Grayson Kentucky is even teaching the people how to lie that should be his name judge Rupert Wilson and Becky Phillips the judges that let people lie to steal your property and money for Eastern State he is that they're letting people threatened to kill you but if you say anything about their pets you got up on making false statements that put you away and you're not allowed to get a job or get married or nothing if we don't want we don't have to fill out called false imprisonment people need to put a stop to judge Rupert Broadway and the county attorneys still in people's property for for Eastern State people need addresses. He basically admitted on July 30 had a scheme to steal people's property and let people lie when he said I believe you this is what Carter county court is letting go on we need to get it spread all over the prostate area to put a stop to it so everybody knows the corruption and he's letting his pets have jobs in the courthouse and that way they get paid to do you in and they're instructed how your word won't hold up so they can pick on you and get you an Easter and stuff because there's a lot of money involved and putting people away so spread it around Holly slanting people lie to get their property and pathways Incorporated right behind it they're letting this go on to get people's land and do them and not help them get jobs so they can monitor them to make sure they're a success to go to Eastern State the therapist or right behind it

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: CAROL "Janie" Ainsworth Lambert

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Susan KING Taylor
Susan are you Christl like? The bitterness will eat you alive, remember you married into a family that has lots of White European genes. You have a bitter soul now. Get over the hatred and love everyone. As a kid I looked up to you and respected you because you exceled and had good energy, but something happened to you. You become a very hateful person. It is not too late to ask GOD to guide you. You can be beautiful person, ask God to fill you with the Holy Ghost and get baptized in Jesus name.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Hookers
I go to your mom's house. She loves it when my semen drips from her chin....

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Hookers
Where are the hookers in ironton I keep hearing about them but have yet to find any

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Scott Laber/Save A Lots
My Semen Drips From His Chin....

South Point Topix/Craigslist replacement » Todd Bradley/Leon Adams Jr. "Peanut"
Todd knows where Peanut is.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: CAROL "Janie" Ainsworth Lambert
My Semen Drips From Her Chin....

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: CAROL "Janie" Ainsworth Lambert
She has always been a snake in the grass. Her stepfather just died and she moved into his fortunes.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Jacki and Chuck Dufore
Professing to be a Christian my big foot. LoL

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Scott Laber/Save A Lots
He loves sucking and bottoming

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Jacki and Chuck Dufore
Their son is a big drug dealer and a thug, lost a daughter to an overdose and the one who moved back to Ironton from TX will sleep with whoever to get a fix.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Jacki and Chuck Dufore
Jacki - you are a hypocrite...the drug money you benefit from is taking you straight to hell... It is time to become honest with yourself and those around you. You are fake until honor the word of God. Enough said! Playing with the word of God is playing with your soul. Your kids learned this lifestyle with you smoking pot, poor example of being a parent. It is not too late to straighten up.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Abnormal Fixation
Lmfao. You cuck.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Anyone know about Russell cox cheating on his wife
My Semen Drips From His Chin....

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: CAROL "Janie" Ainsworth Lambert
Before She ever met Doug Rice. She was dating a dude that played a guitar had a hippie look.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: CAROL "Janie" Ainsworth Lambert

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » CAROL "Janie" Ainsworth Lambert
Does anyone recall when she had her abortion before she ever got married?

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Anyone know about Russell cox cheating on his wife
Yes he does all the time he been sleeping around with Breanna, Cassandra, Andrea,

Proctorville Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Why did they take away the recycling dumpsters?
Is she as good at it as the blow job Queen Tanya Barrett?

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Guitarist needed. punk folk rock/funk hardcore-folk punk
Tell cheyl francis to stop waiting to her husband cousin in for instution. they are plot to her away. The girl is not allowed use none of inheritance for housing or education. They have 25 house in ashland ky. tring to use every dime for a group home. The girl is about to heart attack over they treat about the plot. People needs to stand up to her tell this nothing but stealing off her. The girl cant get a place but let buy home but use for a group home. They need to you need to help cousin get on feet a instead tring to steal her money. So please call tell to this ram page talking about on her phone. it needs to spread what they are doing to mental provider group home and 1court they are jump the gil and having outburst. Of their. Then call people to she acting as witnesses. That a mean shunt to pulled on peron. She lies to help the girl away.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Does anyone know anything about Micheal Shannon Gore
Do me a favor stay away sandy and tim anderson. they are trouble maker. . they help spread false allegations to women estate for a group home. She us ill to woman and push herself in the house to take sign down. Her husband is verbal abusive to this girl. He jumps all over this woman. The girl has tried to tell him keep is rhio out and he dontunderstand. His wife will smart off to the girl need to get place of your own. The judge took everway in carter co to take a better life away. He took home drive licence and furniture. he let people lie in carter co to put the girl away. The family cant the cousin in flordia. She has tried to start false allegations on the girl. The bullying effect the girl health.

Proctorville Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Why did they take away the recycling dumpsters?
Laddie Smith got caught sucking dlck between the dumpsters.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Does anyone know anything about Micheal Shannon Gore
I know him he's always been cool with me. His sister was one of my besties in school.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Guitarist needed. punk folk rock/funk hardcore-folk punk
Hey Lady!!!! You are what you eat.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Guitarist needed. punk folk rock/funk hardcore-folk punk
If you can only play rhythm, thats cool, That's what I need. If you can play more? Rock on, you can contribute. I play in ironton. I have a band. Have lot's of original content, I wrote this yesterday for the band. YouTube write me. djonesplank@gmail. com name is john thanks!!

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Anyone know about Russell cox cheating on his wife
Who cares?

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Anyone know about Russell cox cheating on his wife
its said Russell cox has been cheating on his wifeand been doing it for years with woman who is half his age does anyone know anything about this

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Violinist needed. For Local folk/punk band.
Contact John @ djonesplank@gmail. com thanks, so much. Here's my originals we would play. [LINK]

Coal Grove Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Anyone

Lawrence County Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Snitch/rat/narc
You need to take your meds, youre as batty as they get.

Lawrence County Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Snitch/rat/narc
I want warn people that all mental health provider in area is a complete scam. They are giving the people the mental illness to put people away. They are destroying people life. they are not valuable information to the police how people are victimized. they are do8 this to properly money and force them to sale all belongings off. They are declaring people mental incompetent so cant obtain a better life. They are threaten to people away if they fuss about dating. They tell them if they fuss they will arrested. The doctor will not listen to the people. they are even steal their inheritance for a group home. They are taking people driver licence with no tickets.. They are hand down no legal advice. They ate deprivving the right make a living. they are killing people by due process of the law. The doctor and judge are allowing people to lie them talk into put them away. They are false Inprisonment people to hid how people treat so they not the blunt. They are giving people false stigma to put them away. The people are set on delusional lies their dad told during his life. The judge are so corrupted they will not over turn a wrongful convict chargesm. They are setting people on their dad lies in their mom handwriting because the court will not do much to their mom for writting or repeating the lies. They do more to the child because knocks them out more. I have caught this corruption between the mental health provider and the court. They dont the person to date so can groomed and lined up for eastern state. This needs to spread to stop the corruption so they cant destroy another person. This corruption even involves the state social workers. Watch what being told on some it to destroy from a better life.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Drug dealers
Go see allan henthorn he can hook you up

Proctorville Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Ed Caldwell Left Faurland Church

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Abnormal Fixation
I have a specific desire in regards to females I've had relationships with. I've never disclosed this desire to anyone I'm dating but the more attached I get in a relationship the more I feel the need to request this thing be preformed on me. It gets to the point that I can't stand to not tell my girlfriend that I have this desire so I end up ending the relationship rather than disclose this secret desire. Should I just take a chance and tell her? I fear that she would share with others what I want her to do to me.

Proctorville Topix/Craigslist replacement » Why did they take away the recycling dumpsters?
Anybody know why, and is it permanent? I'm taking about the ones behind the post office.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Drug dealers
Purhaps u should seek a different type of employment.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Drug dealers
Ive worked hard all my life have nothing to show for it.... drug dealers get nice houses and expensive cars its not fair. Im pissed off!, l,

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Need a bycycle
I dont have ajob i would like to know where i can get a bike cheap. i live far fromdowntown its getting hard to get around.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Here we go again
It would be alright with you if it were dicks though wouldnt it?

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Anyone know of...
A rapist named after a bear!!

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Anyone know of...
Yes I do

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Here we go again
That pussy grabber is no kid.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Here we go again
Dump Trump!

Coal Grove Topix/Craigslist replacement » Anyone
Anyone on here?

Proctorville Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Ed Caldwell Left Faurland Church
Does anybody know that jessica has been seeing jake behind my back.. ez and ike caught them together.. how I wish she would change! Jessica has already cost her so called friend bonnie a job so she could get her position. Brad

Burlington Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Southern hearth inn
Any what?

Burlington Topix/Craigslist replacement » Southern hearth inn

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Anyone know of...
Anyone know of the guy at the local tire shop prettiest blue eyes name on his shirt Teddy.

Lawrence County Topix/Craigslist replacement » Snitch/rat/narc
Waylon Petey Riffe is a snitch, he is setting in the lawerence county jail he tried to bust MrPatrick allegedly for selling narcotics. How do u try to prosecute one person for a an alleged crime that ur star witness is incarcerated for the same thing u u trying to get poor Mr Patrick who is not going to be treated very fair since u can not use a snitch as ur star witness when he is got crimes that you are not supposed to be committing I I get upset when ppl who get hemmed up turn on every one else how many bubbles and food packs that buy Waylon Petey Riffe for thatere hundred dollars

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Does anyone know Shelley Clayton from Ironton area??
She's live [LINK]

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Does anyone know Shelley Clayton from Ironton area??
She's live now go watch her carnival show link is up top Or here too [LINK]

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Does anyone know Shelley Clayton from Ironton area??

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Does anyone know Shelley Clayton from Ironton area??
Mr Tooth Song - brush your teeth song

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Does anyone know Shelley Clayton from Ironton area??
100 viewers wow

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Does anyone know Shelley Clayton from Ironton area??
What causes her nose to always run? She runs her nose you know she's getting snot on everyone's jewelry

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Does anyone know Shelley Clayton from Ironton area??
Something's not right with her, found her on Facebook she's quite a trip isn't she? Do tell more

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Does anyone know Shelley Clayton from Ironton area??
I can see her huffing it.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Does anyone know Shelley Clayton from Ironton area??
I Dated this Girl like 7-8 Years ago. She has always been dirty Never wanted to Shower or Clean her room. She makes fun of Everyone because She is Messed up in the Head. I see that She hasn't changed at all lol this is funny to See I'm going to Shared this out because No one likes this dirt ball. She is a Snitch also. Head Up Everyone.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Does anyone know Shelley Clayton from Ironton area??
I Dated this Girl like 7-8 Years ago. She has always been dirty Never wanted to Shower or Clean her room. She makes fun of Everyone because She is Messed up in the Head. I see that She hasn't changed at all lol this is funny to See I'm going to Shared this out because No one likes this dirt ball. She is a Snitch also. Head Up Everyone.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Does anyone know Shelley Clayton from Ironton area??
Maybe she gets high off the fumes?

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Does anyone know Shelley Clayton from Ironton area??
Yes! She is always HIGH & it's funny to watch her. She is disgusting she sits at her table. And sprays bug spray all over the room and the jewelry because she's so dirty. And has Gnats. What kind of person? Sprays bug spray all over their house on the inside at their kitchen table in the kitchen?? Is definitely and Ironton RUTTER!

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Does anyone know Shelley Clayton from Ironton area??
Whatever she's on makes her itchy

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Does anyone know Shelley Clayton from Ironton area??
Last week she got stoned, got hungry and left viewers for 10 minutes to get something to eat, made ramen noodles in a tumbler, said that they should come up with a tumbler bowl. Came back and got off leaving viewers having for 10 minutes. Paparazzi finest right there

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Does anyone know Shelley Clayton from Ironton area??
She's on there live now high as a kite, send her a friend's request so you can keep up with her lives

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Does anyone know Shelley Clayton from Ironton area??
Is she on drugs when she does her Paparazzi Facebook live shows?? Seriously, check her out, she's got to be on something!

Proctorville Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Ed Caldwell Left Faurland Church
This is not true. Ed has not left Fairland Southern.

Proctorville Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Ed Caldwell Left Faurland Church
No I haven't left Fairland Southern Baptist Church.

Proctorville Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Ed Caldwell Left Faurland Church
Oh no. I never heard that. Are you sure this is true because we have heard that at all This is news to us

Proctorville Topix/Craigslist replacement » Ed Caldwell Left Faurland Church
Brother Ed left Fairland Church in Proctorville, Ohio is what I hear so I guess this past Saturday was the last gospel sing at that church since he was in charge of that. So sad to hear he left that church but maybe God is calling him to better things. He is a real anointed singer for the Lord and has blessed me with his gospel songs. If anyone knows what church he is going to start going to now comment and let me know here. Thanks. Will be praying for you brother Ed on your new chapter in life going to a new church. I know how much you liked Fairland church but we all but obey and follow God when he calls us to make another church our home church.

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Does anyone know anything about Micheal Shannon Gore
What type of person is Michael Shannon Gore?

Lawrence County Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Does anyone even use this site?
1 out of 14, 820 this site exclaims to have from topix. I don't think no ones caught on yet.

Lawrence County Topix/Craigslist replacement » Does anyone even use this site?
Well what is it who all uses this site since Topix went down?

Chesapeake Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Union Township Trustee Election
Dain Spears Thornton C. Thomas

Chesapeake Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Union Township Trustee Election
Who are the candidates?

Chesapeake Topix/Craigslist replacement » Union Township Trustee Election
Who is the best candidate?

Proctorville Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Crazy
Nothing you should be interested in 😛

Proctorville Topix/Craigslist replacement » Crazy
What's happening

Proctorville Topix/Craigslist replacement » Steve burcham
What’s going on

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Re: Here we go again
You don’t know?

Ironton Topix/Craigslist replacement » Here we go again
So what's the latest news?

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